Error codes
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Treevox uses HTTP response status codes to indicate the success or failure of your API requests. If your request fails, Treevox returns an error using the appropriate status code.
In general, there are three status code ranges you can expect:
success status codes confirm that your request worked as expected
error status codes indicate an error because of the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted)
error status codes are rare and indicate an error with Treevox’s servers
Some 4xx
errors that could be handled programmatically, include an error code a short string with a brief explanation as a value for code
. Below is a list of possible error codes that can be returned.
The API key doesn't have permissions to perform the request.
The API key provided has expired. Obtain your current API keys from the Dashboard and update your integration to use them.
The contact email is already registered.
The contact is not registered.
The contact is already registered